So on Saturday Toms & I decided to drive up to Prescott and hang out with my Mother-In-Law & Tiff. The boys had their first ASU football game, so instead of just hanging around the house all day I thought I'd get out of the heat and play a bit. We had such a great time. Here are some fun pics from the day. There's is a great big park area for the kids to play in with swings and lots of grass. It was so nice just hanging out and letting Toms run around and have lots of fun outside. The weather was great! We went into town to eat that night and then made a trip to Target. Good old Target. It was a little crazy with all the little ones, but it helped pass the time. We rented a movie and just spent the evening relaxing.

The next day we woke up and went to church. By then Spencer and Papa had made it up. We went to church and then came back to make some sandwiches and go to the park for a picnic, BUT by the time we made it back to the cabin it was pouring down rain! I've never seen so much rain! It was just so fun. Running up to the house from the car we were all soaked to death. It was so fun just hanging out and listening to the rain fall. Finally the Barney's got there and Toms was SO excited to see clark. We played for a bit longer but then needed to head back into town for FHE at my Mom's house. It was short and sweet, but well worth the nice weather. You need a break from the heat every once and a while.
The rest of the weekend was spent with Tyler. On Monday we went to the mall, yay! He needed some shaving stuff from Nordy's so we had lunch at the cafe and walked around a bit of the mall. Then we headed home to take naps and relax. Later we stopped by Lenor's BBQ to say hello and then went to Red Robin for some dinner. A great long weekend. Love those!
Today is back to normal with lots of Pixar movies and even some lunch with Grandpa Tom. Tonight I'm going to the Gammage to see "A Chorus Line" with all sorts of friends. We all went in to get tickets for the season. It should be lots of fun seeing everyone.
K, Cami, I have a question that's totally off the subject, but my blog is really bugging me and I thought you would know how to help me. I'm trying to make a custom size header on my blog bc the picture I keep trying to upload doesn't fit. it's too small and it looks really lame in that big ol' header box. it's just a simple little picture, but i guess a weird size. do you know how i would do this???
How fun to catch up on your blog and see your fun 3 day weekend. Hope you loved A Chorus Line!
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