On Saturday night, my mother-in-law had all the little girls spend the night over at their house. So we stopped by to check out all the craziness. Toms went right in to play with everyone. Soon they turned on Wall*e and turned off all the lights and snuggled up in all the bean bags and Toms was lying there with his arms back behind his head. It was so cute, I had to take a pic. Sadly, Toms didn't get to spend the night with the rest of them but he did have his own new bed to go home to. My mom had this bed in her back room from when my sister lived with her.
So we brought it home and let him pick out his own sheets and got him all excited about sleeping in his very own bed. The first night he did great!!! Never woke up once, and slept better in that bed then he ever has in ours. We decided to put the bed in our room until he gets used to it, to try and make a little easier transition. The second night wasn't as good and then the last two nights he lasted about 2 hours in his bed til he made it back into our bed. Little stinker! I know it's going to be a long process so wish me luck in keeping strong and sticking to my guns. I need to get him in his own bed and bedroom before this baby comes.
CUTE sheets! Bummer about the non-sleeping...good luck!!
I love the hands behind the head...too cool! Good luck with the transition.
What's up with the bottle?It's time, baby, it's time.
Sleeping is SO hard. What we do when our kids go into their "big" beds is turn their door handle around so that we can lock it from the outside. It only takes a couple of nights. With sleeping you have to be hard core, but it's so worth it. When it's all over you wonder why it took you so long to stick to your guns and be just a little cruel.
Try it...you won't be sorry!!
I really do feel for you. There is nothing worse than not getting sleep, AND not having your OWN bed to yourself. Grace was TERRIBLE at sleeping. I tried/read everything, and she was the black sheep of everything. She finally grew out of her bad sleeping habits.
But I hated it when she slept with me. I always woke up sore, and I never got a good nights rest.
Good luck with everything...
Oh, and I understand about the bottle. Grace still takes one. It is just easier...and they aren't going to go to school with one. Don't stress
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