
Dad's Day!

So, today is the anniversary of my Dad's passing, as well as his Birthday.  It's been 8 years since that low day in our life.  Wow, time flies!!!!  It's amazing how you adjust to the new life that lies ahead of you.  You have no choice but to move on from the tragedy {even though you so desperately want to hold on to the past}.  It's just crazy.  Right now life seems so normal without him.  I don't know when it got to this point, a couple years back I guess.  But now life is how it is.  If he were here life would be TOTALLY different, and that's just sad to think about.  That I have become so used to not having him here.  I still think of him from time to time, but not daily.  I guess that's my way of moving on and trying to stay strong.

Anyway, I miss him like crazy.  We always go out to celebrate this day with the family.  Last night we went to TexAz for dinner then back to mom's for some fun conversations.  {later we even hit our old time fav ice cream, Mary Coyle's}

I love my family!  We are all so different, yet SO alike!  We have such a great time together {probably because we see each other so infrequently that we don't have time to get on each other's nerves.}  We love to reminisce about the past and tell all the same stories over and over.  It's great!  Not sure that the in-laws all love the reminiscing part, but they never seem to complain.  It's just so fun to be together!  Even Trina was there for all the evening.  That was wonderful!  We don't get to see her enough.  I love you Trine!  

Some of the fun conversation included what mom and dad did on their honeymoon.  That was so fun to listen to all their adventures that we hadn't ever heard before.  My mom told the story of how when they were getting married, everyone was waiting at the church for my Grandpa to get there {my Dad's Dad}.  Anyway, he was almost an hour and a half late getting there.  Mom said that she was waiting in the Relief Society room that had NO air conditioning.  Note: they were married on August 8th.  Nice and warm for them!  
Anyway, it turned out that Grandpa was looking EVERYWHERE for his black patented leather shoes that go with his tux.  He couldn't find them ANYWHERE.  Finally he just put some other shoes on and came to the church.  Much to my grandmother dismay.  She looked at him and asked "What shoes are you wearing?!".  Anyway, it turns out that my Dad had gone into his closet and thought "Oh, these shoes will work." and totally wore my Grandpa's shoes.  How hilarious is that?  We had never heard that story before, it was so great.  

So, Happy Birthday, Dad!  We miss you and love you to bits!!!  I feel your presence looking over me constantly and know you would be proud of me today.  I dream about you a lot so it seems like I see you all the time.  Keep busy and someday I'll see you again!  The Church ROCKS for many reasons, but especially for the plan of salvation.  Knowing that we are all sealed together for time and eternity.  What a wonderful blessing, one that helps me move on everyday with the faith and knowledge of all of us being together again.  I don't know what I would do without it!

Stay Strong and I love you!


Lissa said...

I love that post, what a fun way to celebrate his life...getting together telling stories.

Lindsay Jones said...

i hate that I know exactly how you feel! Oh time, sure is a friend in these situations! I was thinking that there has got to be another word to call the day they died, because anniversary is such a happy word, and death is not so happy. Are you feelin me? I am so glad that you were able to have a good day with family and talk about your great dad! It is so great to have a support system. And without the church who knows where anyone would be!

linda said...

Oh Cami,
I was just thinking about your dad today also. What an amazing man he was and what a wonderful family he has. He would definately be proud of you. I wish we could see you all more often. Love you lots, Linda

JP said...

Good post Cam. Tell your friend Lindsay that it is called your Death Day.

Anonymous said...

Love you!